About Us
Through creativity, fair dealings, and transparency, Concord nurtures relationships invested across the logistics chain.
Established in April 2018 as an independent third-party commercial manager in the shipping markets; the management team brings decades of experience, highly specialized skills and a long successful track record creating value within the deep-sea logistics chain.

With no shortage of clever marketing, sophisticated schemes, and misaligned interests industry-wide, Concord Maritime strives to define itself by the qualities it values above all else – long-term relationship management, transparency, and fair dealing with its partners. Concord is founded on the principle that relationships are the bedrock upon which opportunities are identified, and success realized. The Company is committed to offering its partners industry leading, best in class, commercial management services.

Corporate Compliance
The Concord team is trained for compliance with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and the U.K. Anti-Bribery Act.
Concord’s counterparties are screened for compliance with the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) economic and trade sanctions targeted against foreign countries and regimes, terrorist, international narcotics traffickers, those engaged in activities related to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and other threats to the national security, foreign policy or economy of the United States and its allies.